Patricia Rorrer wrongful conviction
Please take the time to read my story. It will show you that I have not committed these murders. We all need justice!
Please take the time to read my story. It will show you that I have not committed these murders. We all need justice!
Patricia has been wrongfully convicted of murdering Joann and Alex Katrinak in 1994. Since then our team has proven that Patricia is innocent. Please read her story.
Is to get Patricia a fair trial that will prove her innocence, and give justice to Joann and Alex who died a horrific death. The person responsible, needs to be punished. Patricia was wrongfully convicted and we will show you how! Please walk thru her website and see for yourself how easy it is to be convicted of something you had nothing to do with.
In 1995 DNA testing was brand new. Most convictions were procured through microscopic hair comparison which has been debunked as junk science today. I was convicted on microscopic hair comparison and DNA testing that rendered a "match" of 1 in 37,000. Most prosecutors wouldn't even take such paltry evidence into court today. The victim in this crime had a hair clutched in her right hand, and three pieces of fingernail found on her body, none of which has ever been tested. To date, the PA courts refuse to let me test this evidence which will prove my innocence. Please watch the show Wrong Man which also found new evidence that supports my innocence. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDGl9dMgHwY&fbclid=IwAR1nlAYf6AcIu_i8kN0fD_MCD3CnxJ6DG_oUgVFdqN3b2EJ4fcLO2ci3wWc
I was convicted on the basis of a DNA match made to the root of one (1) hair found in Joann's car. In 2015, I discovered an FBI report that states the hair used to convict me had "No Roots Attached." This proves that whatever hair root was DNA tested and matched to me could not have been one of the hairs taken from Joann's car. Pulled hairs don't grow roots.
When I gave samples of my hair, the doctor took a total of 39 hairs, but only 35 can be accounted for. Where are the missing 4 hairs? And why was my defense not provided with the "No Roots Attached" report which is exculpatory evidence, at trial.?
As noted earlier, there was hair found in the victims hand, fingernail fragments found on her body, and also a cigarette butt. To my knowledge these items have never been DNA tested but the prosecutor stipulated that the hair in Joann's hand does not belong to me, and Dr. Tom Jensen, the PSP forensic scientist noted that the fingernail is to large to belong to me.. Who does this evidence belong to?
I lived with Andrew Katrinak for approximately 5 years, and we ended our relationship as friends in 1989 when I moved to North Carolina.. We would speak 2 or 3 times a year. I knew when Andy got married and I was happy for him. I knew when Joann was pregnant and although surprised because Andy had once told me he didn't want children and wasn't sure he could have children, I was again happy for him. By that time, we had both moved on and I had no romantic feelings for him. On December 7, 1994 I called Andy to let him know that me and my team had won the National Championship at a team penning competition in Oklahoma. It was a pretty big deal, and i was excited enough to call everyone I knew. Joann answered that night, told me that Andy was married and they had baby and not to call her house again .I honestly didn't think too much about it. And it certainly didn't make me mad enough to jump in my car, drive 500 miles one way and kill two people I'd never met--one an infant child. That's absolutely ridiculous, yet that is the only motive ever given for why I supposedly committed this crime. I wasn't hung up on Andy, and I didn't want him back. Does anyone see motive in this scenario?
To really understand this case, you need to sit down and read this book called Convenient Suspect written by Tammy Mal. She is a true crime writer who believed I was 100% guilty when she decided to write about my case. Of course she did--because all that was out there on me was fake news. Thank God she decided to investigate these crimes on her own. Because when she did, she quickly began to realize that there was a lot more to the story than the public ever knew. Her book tells the truth and the real story of this case. Here is the link https://www.amazon.com/Convenient-Suspect-Investigation-Railroading-Innocent/dp/B0777SGHL4/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=tammy%20mal&qid=1588982960&sr=8-1&fbclid=IwAR0xwJARGyijcn3BqdWAzXSX0l9C7kM-9UtBxQio4AsMv62neDLzggK1IrI
Exactly one week after Joann and Alex went missing, the FBI interviewed me at my mother's house. for the sole purpose of building a stronger case against Andy, their main suspect at the time. During the interview, the FBI agents noted that I had no cuts, scratches, or bruising on my hand or face, as would be expected if I had been in a life and death struggle only a week earlier. When they found Joann and Alex in a wooded area on April 9 1995. Joann had been shot in the face and badly beaten. She fought for her life and had defensive wounds including a broken nose and a broken finger. Another thing never presented at trial was the fact that they found flower petals in the soles of Joann's shoes,. Where does one pick up flower petal in the dead of winter in PA.? I suspect I know. Andy also failed at least 2 lie detector tests, and before an arrest was made in the murders, moved almost all the way across the country without telling the police. Really? While the police are still investigating the murder of your wife and child? What about Joann's best friend, who told the producer's of Wrong Man that Joann was saving up money and planning to leave Andy right after the holidays? Why did the police not look into these things? I lived more than 500 miles away, was engaged to be married, was a new mother, and all of a sudden I'm arrested for murdering two people I'd never even met? I am innocent of these crimes, and I should not have lost the best years of my life in a prison cell.
So I was convicted of 2 counts of first degree murder and 2 counts of kidnapping. The prosecution asked for the death penalty, but the jury chose to sentence me to life in prison without parole which, actually, is just a slower death sentence. This is the hard part. I know I did not commit these murders and they need to get justice for Joann and Alex too. Everyone needs to wake up because this could be you, your wife, your husband, your mother, your father, your children! No one is safe if the justice system is broken and they are putting innocent people in prison. I am humbly asking for your help to hire a lawyer and procure a fair trial. I know that if I get a fair trial, I will win and be freed. Thank you for reading, please use the links, and watch all the videos. God Bless each of you.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve the legal counsel for Patricia. Right now she has no attorney and your generous donation will fund our mission. Innocent nonprofit Wrongful Conviction. Any amount will deeply appreciated
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